It Doesn’t Work With Courtney Burke
Last Updated on Thursday, 19 April 2012 08:25 Written by harris Thursday, 19 April 2012 08:25
Courtney Burke is Governor Cuomo’s hand-picked minion to do the dirty work in NYS’s “care” of the developmentally disabled, exerting her will against communities such as Middlesex. This is the bureaucrat asking for more power to have “her will be done” regarding the most helpless and least able to speak for themselves. SOS sent a letter with 484 signatures on a petition to Ms. Burke, requesting the developmentally disabled occupants be allowed to return to their home at 6166 South Vine Valley Rd., and objecting to her placing level 2 and 3 sex offenders in our midst, and objecting to OPWDD’s treatment of us.
The SOS letter was sent on Feb. 20th; her letter is dated March 26th. The farce of a slogan that says: “Putting People First” continues. Was her letter responsive to ANY of the points we raised? It hardly seems so. You be the judge. Here is the link to the letter we sent to her 5 weeks earlier and below is the content of Ms. Burke’s letter (note that addresses of recipients have been deleted for the sake of security).
After 5 weeks of non-response, Ms. Burke’s letter seems to some of us to be a canned advertisement for Courtney Burke and the OWPDD, and for her to be so wide of the mark indicates, at the very least, that she will be incapable of responding in a human and humane way to any of the complaints we raised. There are none so deaf as those who will not hear. Instead we get a commercial for what a good job she and her underlings claim to do, at taxpayers’ expense of course. What was particularly striking was a similarity between her and Michael Feeney (who is copying whom?) Do you remember the arrogance we detected in his closing his eyes when he talked to us? tossing back his head as if we were hardly worthy of his condescension to speak to us? Take a look; and maybe watch Cuomo when he speaks publicly too. We are just the taxpayers. No need to answer us with any thought or seriousness. Who IS Courtney Burke anyway? And what is her connection to Cuomo? And what makes her capable of making decisions on other people’s lives?