Wednesday, January 16, 2013

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Breaking News! FIRE!

Breaking News!  Fire at the 6166 Group Home!

Three fire companies answered the alarm this morning (Monday November 26th):  Middlesex, Potter and Rushville.  Naples and Crystal Beach were on stand-by.   It was quickly reported that no one was hurt.  The Chronicle Express carried an initial article on-line, which was found at:  (Presently it is #3 of the top 5 stories

Initial reports were that there were no occupants other than staff (next day reports are that one “client” was present.)  Initial reports were that the house was “filled” with smoke.  Next day minimized the smoke presence.  Initial reports were that the fire started in the basement.  Next day reports were that it started outside and was caused by improper disposal of smoking materials.

Here are some pictures taken by Lynn Lersch:



Water tanks were still not completely buried at time of fire.



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