Community Questions
Last Updated on Thursday, 1 March 2012 07:15 Written by harris Thursday, 1 March 2012 07:15
How can a NYS facility that apparently has passed inspections for about 17 years be suddenly in violation and need such radical upgrades that its population has to be moved out on virtually an emergency basis?
They are not being treated with human dignity.
Is NYS now saying that they allowed their wards to stay in a dangerous facility for all that time?
Why can’t the current population be moved back in? Why do they have to suffer the breakup of their community?
Why make all that additional investment to secure (lock down?) sexual offenders, when the home was never designed for that purpose?
Where is the environmental impact statement of what risk this causes to the community?
What protection is there against NYS putting up a hi-rise prison on these 11 acres? Don’t we have any say or input?
Who is going to pay for the decrease in the assessed valuation of all these properties? Surely we will not be able to sell our homes (or rent cottages) at the same rate we could have when the buyers or prospective tenants didn’t fear sexual predators within walking distance!
I hope people aren’t sitting back and waiting for someone else to “do something.” Everyone needs to be involved.
BLUEHEN | Sunday, 05 February 2012 at 12:38 am edit
We will send in the petition ASAP. This is another crazy government move to adversely affect us in recent years. Others include taxes on small rental units , “killing” the general store with regulation, hydraulic gas fracking, and property taxes that go up astromonically in good times and stay fixed in bad times . We must be on some political punish list. In the summer our road is full of kids enjoying the environment. Now we may have to lock them up for fear of some predator lurking up the hill, behnd a tree or in the bushes. It’s bad enough that the state released some black bear in High Tor a few years ago, but at least they seem to be benevolent unlike sexual predators. The competency of the government to monitor anything is also a concern. Thanks for the heads up.